Monday, August 29, 2011

My pregnancy journey

July 23, 2010 is the day my life changed forever- the day I found out I was pregnant! I scheduled a dr's. appt. and had my first ultrasound on August 24th.
My little peanut @ 8 weeks

This is also the day that we shared with everyone that we were pregnant. On the way home, I used my cell phone to take pictures of the ultrasound pictures so I could post them on facebook to show everyone. I uploaded them on the computer when I got home and then went to do so something else. When I came back to upload the pics to facebook, I see that Jeremy has already put them on his facebook! He was so excited- it was cute! 
When I was 11 week pregnant, I got a sinus infection and went to see my ob/gyn for some antibiotics. To my suprise, I got to hear little peanut's heartbeat for the first time! I was sooooo excited ( and a little sad because Jeremy didn't get to go with me and missed it). Jeremy went to every single doctor's appointment the whole 10 months except the sinus infection trip and the sugar test trip. He was awesome and very supportive the whole time.
Around 14 weeks, I was at work and all of a sudden was hit with very sharp pains and I knew something was wrong. I couldn't even walk to the car. 2 coworker's picked me up and loaded me into the car and Jeremy drove as fast as possible to the ER. By the time we got there, I was cramping and just knew that something was going to happen to my little peanut. They did an ultrasound and baby was perfectly fine- thank God! Turns out the antibiotics I took for my sinus infection gave me a yeast infection which turned into a bladder infection and that's what caused all the pain- yikes!

14 weeks

At around 20 weeks, we went for the anatomy scan where we find out the gender. Jeremy was dead set that it was a boy the whole time. I went out and back between boy and girl but by the time week 20 rolled around, I was also convinced it was a boy. We went into the ultrasound room both very nervous and excited. The look on Jeremy's face when she announced "IT'S A BOY!" was priceless. I wish I would have been able to take a picture of that. 

30 weeks pregnant. i love this picture because it's the first time jeremy heard the heartbeat with the stethoscope!

My favorite of the maternity pictures

Baby shower #1. thrown by the girls at the snack bar. Jeremy's mom's side of the family and all of our friends attended. It was a great time!

Baby shower #2. Hosted by Jeremy's dad's side of the family.  It was a family get together where we played games and shared family stories. It was wonderful!

The end of my pregnancy was very hard. Starting around March 19th, I began to have contractions and went to labor and delivery. Little did I know, I would be in and out of Labor and Delivery for 3 weeks before my little man would be born. I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes every day for weeks but they weren't dialating my cervix like they should. I stayed dialated to a 2 for 2 1/2 weeks!! Needless to say, I was in pain and every time I thought " this is it!!!" it never was. I got so discouraged with the hospital that I told the nurse I wasn't coming back until the "baby's head falls out!" haha.  I had a doctor's appointment on March 31st to see my dr again and see how I was progressing. I could hardly walk to get in the waiting room and when the nurse saw me she knew I was in labor. My blood pressure was very high 189/100 and the nurse was concerned. The dr. checked my cervix and I was still only at 2 1/2 centimeters but was 100% effaced. He told me that I would be induced the next morning. The time had finally come. April 1, 2011 was the day I would finally meet my little man!