Thursday, July 14, 2011

I can't get pregnant. right?

It all started about 3 years ago, shortly after Jeremy and I got married. We decided we wanted a baby. We knew this was going to be hard because I was told when I was 16 that I would never be able to have kids. I have PCOS- polycystic ovarian syndrome and I have had several ruptured cysts ( which unbelievably the pain is ALOT worse than childbirth). So, to the doctor we go. He puts me on Clomid - a pill form of fertility drug. I take the pill like I am supposed to and have sex on the days I am supposed to for almost 6 months. Nothing. No baby. I gave up. I told myself it was never going to happen and I was just going to have to deal with the fact that I would never be a mommy. I was brokenhearted. All I had ever wanted since I was a little girl was to have 2 kids- a boy and a girl in that order- and my dreams had been crushed. Why? Why was this happening to me?

I decided since I couldn't get pregnant that I didn't need to take birth control. So Jeremy and I went on with life as usual. Last year for 4th of July, Jeremy went to the Nascar race in Daytona, Florida with a co-worker. I stayed home to work, since we couldn't afford for us both to be off for an entire week plus the cost of the trip. During that week, Pam and I hung out and she looked over at me and said "Are you pregnant? you have that glow about you."  I thought nothing of it because of course I couldn't be pregnant, right? About 1 week after Jeremy got home, one morning my grandma tells me " I had a dream last night you were pregnant."  Again, I thought- I couldn't be. I didn't think anything else of it and I went off to work. At work that same day, a co-worker says to me " I had a dream last night you were pregnant." my mind went crazy... what?!?! two people. same night. same dream. don't know each other. how could this be? maybe I really am pregnant. Don't get your hopes up. It couldn't be.  That night after work, I stopped and got a 2 pack of pregnancy tests. The first one= positive. Couldn't be. I had to have done it wrong. The second one= positive. Couldn't be. It can't be. So I go to Wal-mart and get 2 more 2 packs of tests. The third and fourth and fifth and sixth= positive.  I still wasn't convinced. I bought another test. test #7= positive. no way. I can't get pregnant-right? wrong!...I scheduled an appointment to have a pregnancy test done professionally and it wasn't until my 8th pregnancy test that I was finally convinced that I was pregnant.


so...last night or should I say this morning Jordan FINALLY goes to sleep at 2 am. He is wide awake and ready to eat and play at 4am. I finally get him fed and calmed down and ready to go back to sleep at.....9 AM! Then my cousin Madison comes over at 9:45 and he wakes up again. whew. I am one tired mommy. Also, I have a cold and can't stop sneezing and coughing. But that's alright, it's just another day in paradise!

Yesterday was mine and Jeremy's 3 year wedding anniversary (we have been a couple for 4 and 1/2 years!) We were going to do something special but decided to stay home instead. We both work on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays and are both off on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. So, most of the time, we just rest on our days off- as much as you can rest with a 3 month old. lol

Our wedding- July 13, 2008

This post is jumbled just like my crazy beautiful life. I really enjoy my life. I have a wonderful husband who is there for me, who is my best friend and a great father to our little man. I have an amazing son who is light of my life and who makes every day worth living. He is the reason I wake up each day with a smile on my face. I have a best friend named Pam who has been there through EVERYTHING you can imagine. I look back and sometimes I just can't believe we have been friends for 16 years. wow. really? 16 years.

My favorite picture of Pam and I :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

About me

 I read several blogs daily and I enjoy them so I decided to make one for myself.

I'm Tabitha. I'm a 25 years old, married and mommy to beautiful baby boy!
My husband, Jeremy and I
Our son, Jordan
My son, Jordan, is 3 months old. He wasn't planned but was very much wanted. He is the light of my life.
I have been married for 3 years on July 13th. 3 years of ups and downs and highs and lows but 3 years I wouldn't trade for anything.  I am happy with where I am in life and I look forward to making beautiful memories!!